The siding adventure continues and an adventure it has been.
As a reminder we started siding the house on October 12th which means we have been at it for 19 days. I think if I check the weather record books I might find several records related to low temperatures for October on those 19 days. Multiple times we heard the WCCO weather person say "it's more typical of December than October".
Not surprisingly Mark and I have taken out many of our "depths of winter" clothing items. Today Mark broke out his "brown pants" - they are stylish, quilt-lined, "not quite cords but not jeans either" pants. He didn't have to wear them though because today's misty, dreary day turned out to be significantly warmer (47 degrees) than the sunny, windy 38 degree weekend days we just had.
I have grown accustomed to wearing my black and white winter hat (you ski parents know the one - it used to be for race day only). Now it's become a daily part of my "outfit" both inside and out! It really helps shorten the morning hair routine too.
I am still winning the temperature guessing game but we have added a new element - that is guessing whether it will be warmer inside the house or outside. We have started turning on the furnace to get the chill out. It never really appreciated the difference between 43 and 48 degrees before.
Enough about the weather. You get it. It's been COLD. But through it all we kept plugging away on the siding. When I left you at the end of the last post, our next task was to tackle the 5 "small walls" on the back side of the house at the main level - the deck level. We started with this:
Its a little hard to see but there are 5 very short walls to work on. (only see 4? The last one is at the far left of the picture after the last sliding glass door). It looks so simple. We can do that in a day, right Mark? On my goodness, I am learning that it takes just as much time to put up a piece of siding that is 10 inches as it does to put up one that is 12 feet. It is so deceiving. I thought we'd be done with this part in a day. We started it last Wednesday (10/23) and by the end of day on Friday it looked like this:
Main level almost done - just a little remains on the far left |
This area was slower as well because there are 3 light fixtures, an outlet and a vent that have to be sided around. We installed mounting blocks (another new term I have learned!) and then had to cut out around them so it took even more time.
We were cruising along on Friday after lunch - getting ready to move higher up the wall on ladders and I needed to measure something but my tape measure (Yes, I have my own) was in the car. I forgot to take it out of my jacket pocket when I left on Thursday so I tossed it in the car otherwise I am sure I would have left it at the High Tower house. When came back Mark was sitting on deck with each leg over a joist, his elbows on his knees and his head was down. I asked him what happened but he barely responded. I started asking him questions that, of course, he wasn't answering. I eventually figured out that he fell.
He had been up on a step stool measuring the next board that we needed and when he was done he stepped down and headed to the cutting station (seen in the picture above) but he stepped on a white board (you can see it holding the yellow extension cord in the first picture above) in such a way that it fell between two joists and crashed to the ground below. He landed on his right bicep and left ribs and was dangling by his left arm and leg. He tried calling for help but I was in the front yard and he could hardly breathe let alone talk so it came out barely a whisper. He had to decide between dropping down (9 feet or so) or climbing back up. He managed to climb back up but was in terrible pain. After about 10 minutes he was able to stand up and move around slowly. If it was me...... I'd be on my way to the hospital. His view of it was "if I broke my ribs they can't do anything anyway so what's the point of going" so we were getting back to work when our friend Art stopped by which allowed us to stop and chat awhile giving Mark a little more break. He was feeling better so we continued working. He decided that all the clothing he was wearing to keep warm and his "blue, puffy vest" helped cushion him so he probably didn't break anything. Taking deep breaths was still a problem though so he decided he wouldn't be able to sub for my volleyball team that night. I felt a little like it was my fault that he fell because I am the one who brought the board out to keep the extension cord from falling between the joists. Mark said "that board shouldn't be out here". He had some story about it being the wrong size and too thin and someone would step on it and get hurt. I replied "it's only for the extension cord, don't step on it". Of course, as we moved down the back of the house we moved the large boards around and the small one got shoved to the side. Ooops!
We had had enough of being up on the deck and we need a piece of metal to fix the soffit before we can put trim on it and continue so we moved to the side of the garage. Working on solid ground again! And putting up nice long boards. Now we're talkin'.
Getting started |
Progress as of lunch time on Saturday 10/27 |
Once we finished what we could reach without using the super tall ladders so we moved onto the front of the garage.
Garage as we got started |
I had been preparing for all the small pieces around the garage doors by saving all the scrap pieces. I thought it was great that we could use up the pieces that were 10 inches give or take a bit. Most of the spaces were 9 1/2 inches or so. "We'll just cut them a bit and it will be a piece of cake" was my thought. Not so for Mark. It is actually really hard to cut the small pieces smaller. It didn't help that the saw blade was giving us trouble.
Progress at the end of the weekend |
Mark made us quit since it was getting dark and the saw blade was making it impossible to do the cut outs on the really long pieces above the door. The next morning when Mark examined the blade a little closer he could tell that there were several missing teeth on it. Off to Home Depot we went and we came home with a new, more expensive blade. It made finishing the garage wall sooooooo much easier.
All done with the garage
We have moved on to the front door area of the house.
Measuring to get the first row correct |
Yesterday and today we made great progress on the side of the garage then moved onto the front door area. I must have walked 10 miles today going back and forth between the cutting station and the front step. We were cutting long pieces (so we don't have to look at a seam in that section) so we had a lot of scrap that I organized neatly in front of the garage! I like my workspace to be neat and tidy.
As the day wore on it got warmer and foggier. Eventually we opened the front door because it was warmer outside than in the house. As I write this at 10pm it is now 49 degrees out. We should have kept working - what's a little darkness and fog??? I took this picture just as we were leaving. There was so much moisture in the air that it showed in my picture. Sorry it's so hard to see but we worked up as high as we can reach again so tomorrow we will move on to the other side of the door.
Mark insisted that the water was on my camera so I took his picture in the car to prove it wasn't.
Handsome construction worker, isn't he? Especially with the "rib-saving" blue vest |
I think I'm gonna miss being able to read "EVERBUILT" on the sides of the house every time I look at it. It kinda grows on you!
Until next time..... Happy Halloween. We are having our first dinner party at Comet tomorrow night! Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches with the Dewitz and Cullen families. The halloween tradition continues even though all of our tricker-treaters except one (Nicole) are in COLLEGE!
PS. Mark did go to the "doctor" for his ribs. He went across the street to his church basketball buddy who is a surgeon. Dr. John felt his ribs and confirmed that one was broken - it was super obvious once I felt them that one was not where it was supposed to be - and told him what symptoms to look for that would suggest a punctured lung. Last Saturday as we were driving back from our lunch break, Mark sneezed and the bone went back into place. It hurt almost as much as when he fell but after a bit it felt sooooooooo much better and he is able to take deep breaths again. Sleeping is still uncomfortable. He wakes up several times a night but he is much better during the day.