Sunday, September 22, 2013

Preparing for New Windows

We are really excited to be adding new windows to our house.  In order for a new window to be put in we have to build a header.  Don't know what that is????  Yes, it is when you hit the ball with your head and it goes into the goal.  It is also when you fall off the deck because there is no decking on it.

But in this scenario, it is a big beam-like thing that spans horizontally across the top of a window or door (or fireplace - more on that later).  Most of you will never see one because they are covered with sheetrock (the stuff walls are made of) and thus hidden.  I have learned how to make a "sandwich header".  It is comprised of a 2 x 4 on top, 2 2 x 10s in the middle and another 2 x 4 on the bottom.

We are adding a new window and a door to the master bedroom thus we built two headers.  First we took off the sheetrock to expose the framing.

Then we took off the plastic and insulation.  I have learned that when you alter the framing on an existing wall you have to support it somehow while you are putting the header in otherwise you risk having the house collapse.  So we built a temporary wall before we cut any of the existing framing (studs).  Sorry I didn't get a picture of that.  It was a thing of beauty.

Once the wall was up, Mark cut the studs at the proper height and then cut the nails that were holding the blue foam to the studs.  We did this so that we could take the framing out but leave the foam and thus not have a big hole in the wall.  All of the headers will have to be inspected before we can install windows (and we have a total of 7 new windows/doors) so it will be awhile between the first header and last header being completed.

After we had our hole in the framing we could build the window opening.  We made the header and installed it.  Then we framed the sides and bottom of the opening.  I learned a new meaning for "cripple" - it's the short stud on the inside of a window frame! Each side has 2 2 x 4s - one goes from the floor to ceiling and the one next to it - the cripple - goes from the bottom of the window to the top of the window.

New window on the left and a French Door on the right 

We are adding a new window in our office.  Since this was just impacting one wall we supported the structure by simply putting a board across the top.  Mark is sawing out the nails that are holding the framing to the blue foam.  We also have to cut the metal strap that helps support the house. We will have to put new strapping in.  Let's hope we don't have hurricane force winds before we get that back in.


After - ready for a new window - well almost. 
After the headers have been inspected we will prepare the openings and install the windows.

We also had to build a header for our new fireplace and Living Room windows.

We started with this......(sorry I should have included the window on the right)

We added a new tall opening window on the left to go with the one that was already there on the right with a Fireplace box in the middle

We also added a new window on the top left and shortened the window on the right  (that part isn't done in this picture but is below) to maintain symmetry

Once we completed the window headers, we started working on the box for the fireplace.  It will bump into the living room about 2 inches but the rest will be sticking out the side of the house.  Since there isn't one there now, we have to build a box to support it.  We affectionately call it the "dog house" since it will end up looking like a dog house from the outside.

Measuring to frame for the hearth
Framed and partially prepared for siding.  
The fireplace box project has been a time filler for Mark.  It's something that he can do when he is working by himself (mostly when I am working at the high school or for my real estate job).  He is still working on building the roof and covering it all with sheathing (translation - board that goes on the outside under the siding).

The past 2 days we have been working on replacing existing doors and windows on the main level of the house.  Lots of progress there but I am too tired to write that post tonight.  I promise I will do it tomorrow night and I will try really hard not to wait three weeks to post again.  It is a struggle working till 7 or 8pm, coming to Hightower, getting dinner and then writing but I will try harder. 

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