Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I tested my strength, balance and courage today

As I hoped yesterday, we actually got to installing windows today.  We started with the transom windows in the living room.  These are the windows above the sliding glass doors.  They are pretty straight forward to put in.  Just follow the 29 steps and we'd be done.

I worked at the high school this morning so when I got to the house, Mark was already in action working on the preparation of the window openings.
Wearing his new favorite shirt in honor of Chris Rossbach

Taping the seams to get everything water-tight

The twist in installing these windows was getting them UP to the opening.   We started with the one on the "inside" part of the deck (furthest from the open edge). We had to approach from outside of the house because these window have special installation brackets on them because they are over 72 inches wide.  And....

They weighed A LOT.  I don't know how much exactly but I think they might have been over 100 lbs. maybe even more.

They are 12 feet above the living room floor which means they are also 12 feet or so above the UNFINISHED DECK.  We had plywood laying on top of the deck framing - no it was not actually attached, just sitting on it.  Of course, we had to climb ladders for this adventure.

So there I was, holding just about the maximum that I can lift, barely able to grab it as it is 37" tall and then I had to climb a shaky ladder near the edge of a deck with no railing.  Hence the title of today's post.  We got the window up to the top of the 6' ladder and set it down so I could rest my arms.  Ever get that feeling when your muscles feel a little tingly and weak, usually when you are really nervous?  Well that is how I felt. But we only had a little more to go and I didn't tumble off the ladder yet.  We had to boost it up another 6 inches or so and push it into the opening.  Whew! We did it.  Then I just had to hold it in place while Mark squared, plumbed and nailed it in.  That was the easy part.  I got a little rest.  "Urrrggghhh we have to do it again", I thought to myself.

Then the best thing happened! Art stopped over to say hi and chat with Mark about some business details.  He was so wonderful to help with the second one.  What are best men for????  But there was one problem... he was coming from a business meeting and was wearing dress pants, shirt and shoes.  I thought it was scary when I climbed up the ladder, it was worse watching Art make the climb much closer to the edge than I was in slippery dress shoes.  But since he is stronger than I am it was a snap for them to boost it up into the opening.  After a little more squaring, plumbing and nailing, the challenge was complete.
The finished product
Can you just imagine what it will look like once we get rid of the "puke pink" paint?

We were so proud of ourselves that we didn't stop there.

Next challenge...Emily's bedroom window.  I got the easy part on this one.  Stand inside and hold onto the window while Mark stood on the TOP of a 12' ladder.  And I mean the TOP.  Not the step that says "don't stand on this step you might lose your balance".  The one ABOVE that. As we got the window into place he said "I am just balancing out here so don't push on it or I will fall off this ladder".  Ohhh the pressure.  After he got a couple of nails into the frame, I went outside and held the ladder so if he fell he would crush me too!

Another finished work of art
 Emily's room is one step closer to being ready for her Christmas break.  Just need a some carpet and a little paint, although I am growing quite fond of the brush marks of non-matching paint in her room.  What were they thinking?????

Super excited to transform this

into four new windows tomorrow.  Check back for updates.

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